Referral Services
The specialist team at Carisbrooke offer a range of referral services and our team approach means referred patients receive exceptional care and treatment.
Our aim is to make our team an extension of your own team. We are here to support you and offer advice whenever you feel our input could be helpful.
In addition to offering comprehensive clinical services we also provide mentoring to dentists who wish to extend their experience and skill set.
We understand that you will want to feel reassured when referring patients outside your own practice and are committed to the following:
- Keeping you informed of your patient’s treatment
- Encouraging your patient to return to your practice for their continuing care
- Involving you in your patient’s treatment upon request
- Keeping in touch with news and events to inform and develop our referring colleagues.
To help us keep in touch with you please let us know how you prefer to receive information from us.
Getting in touch
Call our referrals co-ordinator on 0116 270 7030